Battlefield Tours
2019: Lee's Campaigns into the North - June 4-7, 2019. Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg/Antietam, Gettysburg & the National Civil War Museum, with Dennis Frye, Kent Masterson Brown, Wayne Motts & Susannah Ural. Organized by Rick Eiserman. - see pictures
2017: Gettysburg of the West: Texans & Battle of Franklin-June 6-9. Organized by Stephen "Sam" Hood, with premier battlefield experts Tom Cartwright and Eric Jacobson, along with Robert Hicks, author of The Widow of the South. - see pictures
2016: Scarlet Tide: Battle of Chickamauga - June 7-10, 2016. Behind-the-scenes access to significant battle sites in and around Nashville, Tennessee. - see pictures
2015: "Last Trumpet Call" - June 9-12, 2015, Petersburg (Part II); Retreat from Richmond; Appomattox Courthouse; Return to Texas.
2014: Virginia Battlefields in 1864 - Petersburg (Part I); Wilderness ("Lee to the Rear"); Spotsylvania Courthouse & Cold Harbor;
2013: In the Footsteps of the Brave - South Mountain, Antietam/Sharpsburg, Gettysburgh, The Retreat.
2012: With Hood's Texas Brigade in Virginia 1861-1862 -Dumfries, Eltham's Landing, Wartime Richmond, Gaines' Mill, Manassas & Fredericksburg.