Scholarly Stipends
In 2015, HTBAR instituted a Summer Scholarly Stipend for Graduate Students. Dr. Rick McCaslin, Department of History, University of North Texas and Dr. Susannah Ural, University of Southern Mississippi, comprise the selection committee. These modest stipends will help graduate students travel to research libraries or otherwise conduct their research during the summer. The recipient is rquireed to present a report at the annual scholarly seminar.
2016: Stephanie Walters of George Mason University: Under the direction of Dr. Susannah J. Ural at the University of Southern Mississippi and the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, completed a statistical and digital analysis of Hood's Texas Brigade. The social, military, and census data surrounding the Texas brigade are an excellent example of how the digital humanities can be used to help interested audiences better understand soldiers as individuals or as a large group. This is a continuation of the 2015 project.
2015 Recipient: Alan Branstiter, PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of Southern Mississippi, for a digital humanities project, called “The Long Road Home,” an interactive website tracing the route of the Texans back from Appomattox Courthouse.
2015 Recipient: Ariel Kelley, PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of North Texas, for her biography of Guy Bryan, great nephew of Stephen F. Austin, who was active in the CSA during the war. Worked under the direction of Dr. Richard McCaslin. |